I love you all! Xoxo,Kenzie πŸ’‹


I love you all! Xoxo,Kenzie πŸ’‹

184 8
mylifeaseva iisuperwomanii and bratayley
my question is do you wish you could talk to your fans more
Which country have you not been to and want to visit?
thanks for doing my question!!😘😘❀️❀️😍😍
same here they are all my fav! and what is your favorite store?
wut is ur fav day of da week????
yaaaaaas I love all of those and I love Bratayley 2!πŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ’‹
I absolutely love bratayley!!!!!
yes mylifeaseva!!!
I love Bethany motaπŸ’—
Hey but this was my question I'm so sad 😞
but I think it doesn't works when I give you a question
fav place to go to for a competition
my favorite YouTuber is Miranda Sings and Karli ReeseπŸ˜‚and EmmaAndEllie
family nest and Miranda sings
what do you like better singing or dancing?
what's your favorite food? mine are tacos, pizza, and candy, love ya kenzie 😘😘😜😜