Admins? #lgbt #pride #loveis love


Admins? #lgbt #pride #loveis love

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hey so let me introduce myself, my name's Juli and I'm Pan and Demi and I might also be agender? (still pretty confused with this whole gender thing) I would really like to be an admin so yeah. (sorry if that was awkward I'm not good with socializing)
hey....I'm Bella. I'm 12 and bi.
I'm honestly not sure what gender I am.. I feel more like a girl than like a boy but I'm kinda like inbetween girl and Genderfluid...
Hi! I'm Andy, I'm 13 and a trans boy. I'd really like to be an admin! Have a good day ;)
Hi! I'm Tabi, and I'm straight and not transgender. (I know, I'm so boring XD) and you sound so nice, Jai! :)