I can’t believe that this is one of my last collages. this app has gotten me through so much, and I’m so sad to see it leave!
if anyone wants to stay connected via pinterest/instagram/spotify/vsco, pls let me know! I’m going to miss everyone 😭


>>tap<< I can’t believe that this is one of my last collages. this app has gotten me through so much, and I’m so sad to see it leave! if anyone wants to stay connected via pinterest/instagram/spotify/vsco, pls let me know! I’m going to miss everyone 😭

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this is soo pretty!! 😍
it’s soo sad this will go away 🥺 even with me being barely active atm the idea of this space disappearing is just sad
This is so pretty 😍
@caption yeah I can't really believe it yet :(
this is so gorgeous <3
aww thank u!!! that’s so nice!!! i’m glad we’ll be able to keep in touch with each other <3
Soo cute