Want to try this!!!!!!!!! Found it on Pinterest and redid it


Want to try this!!!!!!!!! Found it on Pinterest and redid it

9 5
my face while reading this 😐😐😐😐
i wish too. youre so friendly and awesome! too bad you live somewhere else.
im sorry. im going no where this summer. well maybe my dad has plans to go somewhere but i dunno.
i got it from thepurpleturtle
k dokey
she makes edits like me only better. search her up. she was featured once!
sure! just remix me your icon!
its the original. the photo is amazing ill find a quote or song lyric right away
thank you but its nothing
just a lot of practice!
those haters are bulling me at school
I won't
I already have scars from cutting, what's one more?
YAY! I haven't finished reading the series yet I'm only on moonrise. but when I saw your username I was like,"SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS!!!" XD
well...what if I'm dead in 30 years?