Who on or up


Who on or up

7 3
nuthin much same as you bored
lol 😂
so how are you
so how's you bf
that's good you guys fighting at all
oh that's not good
you ok
oh umm what do you need
what do you want
you just want some one to talk too
is your boy toy not on
I feel bad for you
hey babe
wow you cheated on me i am crying right now
I am going to die
wow bye kid you do love her
u never love me
wow why that fûck u hurt my twin wow u fake lover
I never did Cheat on Mariah
dude I wasn't on last night I was in bed I never did anything I sware on my life you can shoot me I didn't do anything I don't even know the password to that account that I didn't create
then why the füćk would he do that I didn't ever say any thing I was in bed by nine after that I didn't do anything
so I lost my bae
because of my fine cousin this is some major bs
fxck ig
well she's not going to talk to me cuz she thinks it was
Mariah on
I am here
yo umm how do you delete accounts umm I'm just that stupid
hey guys it wasn't Miguel
so don't go hatin on him
ok but it wasn't clay cuz he's like brother to me
he did it on my ipad I know the password now
how do you delete accounts cuz I'm just that dumb
I'm going to delete the account like it was never there
poof gone
kk I'll do it right now
wait it doesn't say that for me
never mind I'm stupid really I am
I'm on ipad this is what I saw
I remixed it
I had to scroll down cuz my I pad is stupid like that
you know I D.C. if people know my email
brb I'm going to eat
I was literally in bed by nine I'm serious
yeah I didn't say it
or maybe I got high or something
I'm joking with you I didn't say it
fxck me
I'm doing the dishes I'll be on afterwords
fxck ig kill me
what I'm still confusled
I'm five seven
I don't know
I don't want to fall in love that's what I'm listening to right now
what your gonna hit me with meat
why do you want to knock some sense into me
bro she want my dìck
I didn't do anything I was showing her what she said to me
fxcking kill me
yes because I'm not doing anything
I'm part of the KKK lol I'm joking
you said kkk
I'm dead too
just did
what is my bae on
I'm not saying anything
she's saying it all I'm saying is kk or k
kk bye
hey babe
I love u babe forever and always
same babe
omg I missssssss u so much
I throwing up
babe can you make a post about me ps I love you forever and always
if you want babe
just did
omg I think I cry a little
I love u babe
it's ok I'll cry with you
ok babe and same
what babe
I love your body
thanks babe
your welcome Angel 😇