Collage by 25KITTENLOVER


9 0
yes I do live in Texas
ur so sweet
thanks I think you are sweet too I live in Kansas
hi I have some questions
thank u
I’m actually here on time
what r u gonna do
it’s 8:07
what r u gonna doooo
I don’t mean to be annoying but u said to come here at 8:00 January 3, sooooo I’m curious
I am sorry I had u doctors appointment so sorry I could not be on k so sorry
here are the questions
I have just a few and I wish you could answer them all but if you don’t want to that is ok to so here it goes k
how old are you? what is you name? would you consider me a friend or a bully or just a person that you don’t care about? and that is it
they seem weird I know but I have some questions ok
12 Mya Friend!!!!
what is ur name and age
sorry if I was being rude before
oh it s ok I don’t mind
12 Isabella Friend
nice we r the same age
yah we are
yah I know
do u have an email or a phone %
ooops phone #
well I have a email but no phone
my parents said I can’t have a phone tell I am in 9th grade
yeah right now it’s 6:37
it is exactly 6:37 pm
yes I have a email why
ok so we on track yay I consider you as a BFF to me
I had this on time where I told someone 7:00 and they did it at 9 and we were 2 hours apart
you said happy birthday to my brother well his birthday is actually tomorrow
also chat tonight k
at 8:30
sorry happy birthday early
to him
where did you go for 18 minutes
where did you go for 18 minutes you left the chat
thank you for telling you follows to follow me to
why did you want to know if I had a phone or email
remember 8:30 k I have to go
hi I am here
it is 8m30 where are you
no 8:30
I am here to chat
hello it is 8:37
I’m soooooo sorry we had family here that isn’t usually here so I wasn’t allowed to get on this
ok it is fine
sooo the reason I wanted ur email is bc so we can text on messages instead of this
but if that sounds creepy to u don’t give me ur email
k plus ever one wold be able to see it
sorry but I don’t want a ton of people knowing
it’s fine I never thought of that
8:30 tonight right???
that is right k but I might be late k because I have my Brother’s bday party and all of my family is here so I might be late
ok happy bday to him!!!
I am on right now but I will not be for long
do not follow dirty children the user he is a cusser
I am on here for a little bit
I’m ready when ur ready
i am a bit early srry
it is ok 3 more minutes
sooooo what do y’a want to talk about??
but we can start early
I don’t know
wait I have a idea you ask me questions and I will ask you questions and we will take turns
what do u like to do or like what r ur hobbies u could say
or do u like do any sorts???
well I like cats and my hobbies are softball, volleyball, swimming, walking the dog and that is it what about you
and on more thing um please tell me when you have to leave k
my turn
please tell me when you have to leave k
ummm I like gymnastics/tumbling but I’m not great at it I’m self taught! I don’t have any pets but I really want to get a Pomeranian or a beagle!!
ok forget the questions
lol thankfully I’m not ready
I don’t want to grow
anyway I guess it is my turn
you did not answer
for 4 minutes
I have no ether I don’t want to ether
I have not ether
it is your turn sorry if my questions are weird
to ask me a question I don’t care about the question us ask me if you have one
would I consider ur self in school popular average unpopular or left out
why did you not answer right away
wait what
I didn’t get it right away
the message
what do you mean u
r u ok if I give u my email
k I am unpopular what about you
yes why
we can talk on their sorry I don’t have a phone
ok I screenshot it so deleted it
I will try to get in if I can’t I will come back here
send me text when u get it entered in!!
do u have an apple product
what is you pass word
what do u mean
what password???? I don’t have any
sorry can’t get in
you try mine
it says I need a password
do u have an apple electronic
yes I ha e a apple product
but it is my school iPad and some things are blocked by a password
good then it should work
no I am on my school iPad and some things are blocked with a password
what is ur # or email
I told you I do not have a phone because my mom will not let me tell I am in 9th grade
ok then what is ur email
ok do u need to sign into iMessages??
tell me when you got it so I can delete it so no one else sees
I do have that on this iPad and I can not download anything
sorry I have a lot of restrictions on here
it is not that I don’t what you on here it is that I can’t because of my school and my mom says I do not need a phone
did it work????
what do you mean did it work
I sent u a text
I did not get it
what holed on
did u get that???
I think
try to respond or something
no I did not get it
it is blocked by a password and I can’t get in
why not?????
go to ur messages apps
I don’t have messages app I have mail app and it has a password to
I can’t
to let you know the party was bad because some took a 2 dollar pack of gum unopened and 20 dollars:( and it was one of my cousins
🙁 sorry
can u ask ur mom for the messages app
no it is my school iPad
and I can’t get any apps unless they say so and if I ask they will say no
wait do you have hayday
do u have a no school Ipad???
the game you can chat on there
I do
I am getting one next Christmas do you have hayday the game it is a apple product
the messenger app??
because you can chat there and it keeps it private but you have to be at level 10
ok bye sorry I get to go 😢😭
do you have Hayday the game you can chat the in private
but you will have to be at level 10 first
ok bye
no bye sorry I’ll try again we not be able to text much tomorrow bc I’m gonna go to church
same but I go in the morning
I am here
hey I have an early curfew sooo sorry I need to go to bed