Collage by harmony6


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That was a very dramatic speech to a pony on a kids show
its not actually mine
and ask starlight glimmer is the person their referring to . shes going through alot😓
I know, it says DCKiller on the bottom
And who's ask Starlight Glimmer?
umm, shes a...person who likes starlight i guess, and answers questions about her, and other stuff. She been really sad cause her friend died and it turns out she also has an illness! im not sure what her actual username is, but i you want to follow her i can find it!
actually in my view when we die we carry on the endless cycle of reincarnation so we should never fear death as it is a symbol of a new beginning at the ending and should surround ourselves with it to come at peace with life and death cycle
but depends on opinions really 😜
i like that thought! its very optimistic. i honestly dont know what to believe😓
yea, I get u
well there are some beliefs where u disappear into nothing and forget u ever lived