Lol my friend


Lol my friend

20 0
hi wyd
do u know me
no who r u
neither of us do
who r u
I'm lily freind Lilliana's freind I see u a lot I go to the same school
post a pic of u so I can see who u r
yes u it's an and Andrew
I did
oh ok I know who u r now ya I've seen u before
ya I like Alan but he dosnt like me I'm Srry for saying this
oh ok
talk to u guys tomorrow I gotta go
we are anonymous we do not forgive we do not forget except us.
ur creepy
bout wht
I dislocated my shoulder
what did u do
I tripped in the mile
it hurts
r u ok where u at
my house with joey
bffl the post
you are my bffl too
was up
awesome person can tell Lilliana that I like her
she does not like u Tomas