My grammar is so rubbish in that But I don't care


My grammar is so rubbish in that But I don't care

127 4
oh no 😞 I really hope everything gets better for you very soon, it's awful that that's happening to you. your posts are always gorgeous, and it sucks that you're losing followers. I can't believe people would do that. I hope everything sorts itself out, in the meantime I'll miss you loads xx
I'm on pretty much every day and I'm always here for you if you want to chat or anything, or even just to say hi. I'm here for you and my life is rubbish too. πŸ˜–πŸ’ž
don't give up on us! πŸ˜•
I'm active! and your posts are original and far from rubbish!!
Just remember we're all here for you. Your posts are always amazing even if you think they're not. Xx
I get it, my longest break lasted months. But your posts are GREAT, if you still enjoy PC and it's not further messing up stuff in real life, then don't let lack of likes and follows be your reason for going! I never realized how much making collages helped me to calm down until I came back! PLEASE STAY! Think about the people who stick around and like and comment and care, and think about making the collages! If you really need a pause then take it, but sometimes PC is a nice pause from real life.πŸ‘
No don't! Just becuz people let u down don't mean u should stop!
we'll miss you, but whatever makes you happy love(: I've been pretty inactive as well, just because life is pretty stressful and I don't have much time for an app, so I understand where you're coming from. I hope things get better dahlingβœ¨πŸ’•
we'll miss you, but whatever makes you happy love(: and I've been pretty inactive as well because life is stressful and it's not easy to try keeping up with an app when other things are more important, and so I understand where you're coming from. I hope things get better for you dahling, we'll be waiting here for you're return if you decide to.βœ¨πŸ’•
I will miss you!
Aw I'll miss you! I hope everything gets better✨
nooooo please don't!!!
I'm so glad ur back!!
Hey Guys!! Follow me if you can and promote me to others. My goal is to have 50 followers by Sunday Evening.
Thanks to all those who are following me, LOVE YALL!