:/ read it and weep


:/ read it and weep

68 13
...hardest thing I've ever done
honestly I sort of relate, though in your case it seems like you're more genderfluid while i'm pretty sure i'm agender or nonbinary (idk the difference so i use both, sort of like how i use both bi and pan for my romantic views) so if you need to talk to someone who feels the same you can always come to me
it's okay and I'm a female that can act like both genders but I'm a female and I'm bisexual and I'm happy that you are explaining how you feel and that you knew it was time to let it all out and most people are confused about most things especially when labeling gender to a gender fluid and just going by the gender they were born with and it's okay again. :)
this must have been hard. thank you
Okay, first of all, this is normal so if you feel like nobody understands, many people do. Second of all, I would suggest using they/them pronouns so people won't get too confused (mostly at school or something where people are not educated) and if you want, ask your friends to call you a name that could be for both genders, because from what I know, it helps while you are trying to figure out your gender. I also want you to know that you are amazing a girl, boy, or neither. Stay awesome, take your time to figure out your situation, and stay alive :)
,8. you don't have to be male or female. you don't have to be called any special name like 'gender fluid'. you can just be labeled as 'you' not 'he, she' just you. you don't need to be any gender.
you don't have to choose one gender, you can be any.
haha the fist word I said is ment to be *m8
just choose to be you, that's all people (hopefully) will ask of you
whatever you are, you are amazingπŸ’•. Don't feel the need to put yourself in a box that society forces people to do. πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
this must have been hard to come out like this. remember, you don't have to conform to one gender. be both if that's what you want/how you feel. just make sure you're comfortable. if that means cutting your hair and dressing as a boy, do it. if that means saying you're gender fluid, do it. be comfortable and confident as you.
congratulations! this takes a lot of bravery to do!!!! I'm really proud of you!!!!
and I'm not good with this different gender/sexuality stuff, so I cant give you any tips, sorry πŸ˜”
just be a Tomboy. It is much simpler than changing your gender!
Please stay a girl, you said u wanted to so please don't make yourself miserable.
you can be whatever makes you happy. it doesn't matter if your a boy , girl , both , or nothing at all. it's really brave to do this btw. :) I know you'll find the right choice some day
That is like me i feel like a boy but i am a girl i like make up and dressing up but idc what i look like
Be yourself...No one gets to choose for you! if you wanna be both genders no one can tell you that it's wrong or you can't do that...because it's not true! everyone is beautifully beautiful no matter what! Be whatever you want...cause I'll tell you what weather your a girl or boy or both...you will still be as beautiful as you were the day you were born! πŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸ’Ž Don't be what people want you to be...it's never their choice, it's only yours forever and always! Stay strong and believe in yourself...! πŸ’›πŸ˜β€οΈ
I love your new icon! πŸ˜‹πŸ’›πŸŒΈπŸ˜›
be yourself