I'm not smiling. I'm not happy today. Yet again my own thoughts take over me and make me sad for petty reasons. I'm sad for stupid reasons. What a surprise.


I'm not smiling. I'm not happy today. Yet again my own thoughts take over me and make me sad for petty reasons. I'm sad for stupid reasons. What a surprise.

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Why can't I be a singer with a large fan following and be well known, but also have a LIFE? Why do I have to be constantly stalked by paparazzi and be in magazines? Why can't I follow my dreams but still LIVE? I want to tour and stuff, but I want to LIVE! Why can't I just live a normal life yet be a singer? I quit. I quit on my dreams. I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry everyone. Keep smilingπŸ’•
There are WAY too many downsides to being a singer. If I can't live my life without being stalked and always being in tabloids, while having a camera shoved down my throat 24/7, then I quit trying to be a singer. It's destroying my life. I'm done.
hehe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
are you ok?
oh..just making sure
"I'm fine"???? are you super duper super sure your ok?
how can I not worry about it?
Sorry, I know I'm probably not helping, but singing is basically my passion. I love singing, it's amazing! I've never actually met a real singer before, like someone who's actually famous and goes on tours and stuff.
and are you okay?
your icon is black again... how are you?
I'm not a singer, just a 13 year old who has a passion for itπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
is yeh okay
Your icon tho
What about today
Dear Tabi; fame is not something easy to deal with and that kind of life isn't for everyone, but don't lose your passion for music and singing just because you don't want to live a crazy lifestyle completely dedicated to it. There's a whole world of possibilities out there and you have lots of time to figure your life out; the future is still very far. I'm sorry you're upset about the realization that you suddenly don't want to follow this dream anymore, but don't lose the spark of your love for music because having a passion does not mean you have to keep chasing a life you don't want to live. Take your time to find your true fate, but don't give up on doing the things you love as a hobby because they make you happy and that is extremely important. You don't need to be famous in order to love music. You don't need to be famous in order to inspire people. You are a beautiful human who deserves to be happy. Feel better soon ❀️
Please keep your passion for singing. I used to love to sing (I wasn't amazing, I did get to sing solos in choirs but anyway that's beside the point πŸ˜‚) but then a friend told me I was terrible. I now feel so sad when anyone is singing or asks me to sing as I feel too nervous and stupid. So please keep singing, and you don't have to become a well known or famous singer, just let it be something which you love to do and makes you feel good about yourself. πŸ’™
I have a lot too, most I don't have with me bc we had to put them away bc my little brother got lice
I've never had it. but he's had it twice and has gotten it from school two times and he has his hair to his shoulder bc it's curly
and we like it
and the second time he was so scared we were going to cut his hair I felt so bad
^Sure :)
I completely agree with LilyAnneB
what is ur stage name
u all right?
don't do it
I know what ur thinking
oh yes I did πŸ˜‚