Carey on my wayward son (me)


Carey on my wayward son (me)

22 16
Carey. who the heck is Carey
I meant carry
this drawing of u makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and really really happy☺️ it always makes me so happy to see your art after every long day I've had. mmmh maybe I just love my demon bab too much
I feel the same way about you sweetheart. I felt warm and fuzzy drawing it. I like the song too. it helps me a lot and it's my favorite. I love my angelic Rosie too. so so much. *mwa* ☺️
*mwa* 😊hehehe...oh! and I thought of something for a couple days now. you sing right? I can't sing, I'm a terrible singer eheh. my persona is an angel and your persona is a demon...angels are known to have beautiful enchanting singing voices and since my angelsona is a fallen angel, she has a terrible singing voice like me! and I assume your demonsona can sing very good like you! demons are known to not be much of cool and ironic is that? but this is just a thought eheh
That is ironic hehe!! but I'm not even that good. I just like to sing. 😊 Oh and I've got plenty of time to RP today sweets. we can do that. 😋
Mhm!! I kinda figured your demonsona would have an amazing singing voice and my angelsona would just be swooning over that hehe. Ooo!! more bab time!!
Hehe. mhm!! I bet that's how they'd be. maybe I'll draw that. yep!! more bab Tim!!
AAHHH IM SO EXCITEE-I MEAN EXCITED NOW Ü I may not be able to sing but I LOVE to dance vuv dancing is life for me. wait a minute...Tim?😂😆 I never giggled this much all day
Silly babu!!! I bet your a beautiful dancer too. I'd sing and you'd dance!! I'm just doodling now while I have the time since I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow for my choir thing. We going to the mall for lunch and it's a huuuuge mall. I'mma go to hot topic when I has da chance so I can buy things. even tho I only have.. 12... dollars. oh well maybe I'll buy some alien and space buttons. I don know why I is telling yew dis butt I am!
OOOO! I hope you have fun dere!!
Thank ya sweetheart. btw. I love yew!!
I love yew too sweetie! :>
hehe. I'm looking around at the book store. I always take forever here so I'm soooo sorry if I take a while to respond.
hehe what would happen if you looked down and saw me super tiny like just 3 inches tall on the floor at your feet in your bedroom? :p hehe just imagine. be dark if you want it’s just a fantasy :p make it a detailed answer :p
Hehe. I just think it'd be so adorable. I'd carry you and let you watch me draw. just like if yew were a little pet. and I would love you even more.
But that's probably how you'll be like if we met cuz I'm smol.
ohmygosh I didn't expect this answer :> I expected you to say " I saw this somewhere on tumblr rose" and then I'd say "GAH" but love this question even more. it was on Deo's tumblr btw
*answer I meant to put "I love this answer even more" /)_-
I haven't been on there all day. just doodling.
Is there anything I can do that might make yew feel betters?