I've honestly been in such a bad place in my life relationship wise for the past year since my ex basically cheated on me and it's getting really unbearable being this lonely but I also push people away idk.


I've honestly been in such a bad place in my life relationship wise for the past year since my ex basically cheated on me and it's getting really unbearable being this lonely but I also push people away idk.

28 0
bruh this is so pretty
re// no worries, I always post edgy stuff on my profile and I'm kind of ok with that, I was in a v stressing relationship with a guy I r e a l l y wanted yo break up with and then he freaking pulled out the question of being a couple for real, I wanted to say no but my dumb bûtt said yes for a reason, he gave me my very first kiss, I ran out of the place, he left, and days before or 1 month "anniversary", I ended everything and today I am happy with that decision, and idk why I told you all this, sorry
re// Bruh, I'm dealing with another crush but this one is a freaking F E M A L E, I feel so uncomfortable around her and my self esteem just lowers the heck down when I think about a confession, and it hurts me how much I love her b/c I KNOW she doesn't feel the same and I want to cry
dude the stupid are complicated creatures ik what it feels like
ahhh so beautiful. (truthfully I don't have any advice for your relationship but just know you have people who support you. oh and that you have the ability to have a relationship, as an asexual it's kind of hard to get one - personally)
I'm sorry hon