Plz enter!!


Plz enter!!

10 0
matt smith is my favourite
Ye he is so funny and also the first doctor I started watching from but I went back after to the others because he was so great
also can u enter round 9 plz
you will be great and anyway u can't lose u will still get at least 5 points for ur team and even if ur beaten then u will come second
you can buy dvds and my mum loves the 4th doctor to
yea.. Ok so I forgot to sign up(Cuz I couldn't find the sign up sheet)I was wondering if you could post the rounds and vote the collages I make as well.though I'm not in any of the teams make sense?
Oh okay ty
team doctor who or Harry Potter 😂(I am secretly a bigggg fan gurl)
team doctor who plz 🐝🐝
Is mine ok?
plz do my box on my page