Who did this? Why?


Who did this? Why?

11 1
what? why?//Elsie
I don't know?
and he's following me!!! 😳😳😳😱😱😱😨😨😨😨
😳😳 if he's bothering you- u can block him//Elsie
it's just, I tried that once but he came back after deleting his acc!
α•™(⇀‸↼•)α•— Not more hate pages!
oh wow. pc has so much hate these days...//Elsie
Just don't let him get to you. Some people just want to see the world burn.
Ignore him. He's just trying do get on your nerves. He wants to see you break, so dont let him.
wwhhhhyyyyyyy????? you don't deserve a hate page!!!!😑😑😱
thanks guys! I've been having a rough day besides the hatepages. 😞
don't worry they r just tryin to bring u down but always stay upπŸ˜˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
Oh no πŸ™
you don't deserve this! you're so kind! I have a hatepage too though.
You'll be fine, πŸ˜‰ don't listen to the haters, they're just jealous