8/7/20 | Joined the bandwagon! 
Off topic but I made a collage in a matter of minutes today. I also have one already made but I’m taking longer than expected to write out my thoughts. It’s a long one. Deep collages coming back soon.


8/7/20 | Joined the bandwagon! Off topic but I made a collage in a matter of minutes today. I also have one already made but I’m taking longer than expected to write out my thoughts. It’s a long one. Deep collages coming back soon.

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yess asian sistersss
I just started learning how to drive and it’s fun but i feel like I’m gonna crash into everything ;-;
hahaha alright!
Uhhhh some Latin, and Italian
oooo and Filipino! but they’re just phrases and words when I get annoyed by my mom or friends 😂
my glasses degree went up but I can’t go to the optician to check it ;-;
thus the blindness 😂
Ooo that’s awesome!
exactly! it’s not that bad
ikkkkkk, me tooo.