Waddlesthepig,Miniprincesszebra,and I are going to a sleep away camp next week and we have to wear costumes one day so waddles is gonna be dipper and I'm gonna be Mabel


Waddlesthepig,Miniprincesszebra,and I are going to a sleep away camp next week and we have to wear costumes one day so waddles is gonna be dipper and I'm gonna be Mabel

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OMG for school once you had to dress like your favourite character and I dressed up as Dipper I even dressed like him for Halloween
I thought waddles was gonna be..... well I don't know...... WADDLES
i dont care if they commit "suicide" they started this so i dont even care
ya THEY started it
lol no I'm not mad at you at all!!
OMG YES KYLIE BLOCKED ME. I'm actually proud
I applied for the sleep away camp but they were full