I'll make remixes with a bunch of answers on them after every ten questions or so. Ask me anything as long as it's nothing too personal. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•


I'll make remixes with a bunch of answers on them after every ten questions or so. Ask me anything as long as it's nothing too personal. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

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favourite book series?
why is your username triplet_klf?
favorite font?
favorite edit you've ever done?
Thanks for the questions! I'll get them answered tonight and feel free to ask more! πŸ˜πŸ’•
Do you like Harry Potter?
Any advice for me on making my account better?
can u follow me on you main account!πŸ˜‚
okay, back to reality! can you give me advice!
do you like avocado! lol!
how old are you!
pc friends?
when did u start?
do you mind me asking questions!
who is ur fav collager?
fav edit?
fav drink? food?
is this enough questions?
probablyπŸ˜‚ not!
what country do you live in?
u do not have to answer these all.
i just have so many questions.
what are your opinions on the vamps?
The meaning of life?
Does religion require a God figure, or simply practices and a set of beliefs?
How has consumerism shaped our culture for the worse/better?
Are you optimistic about your personal future and humanity's?
Can happiness be accomplished? What is success?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Is retaliation ever justified?
If you were elected president, what would your top priorities be?
And most importantly, the best taco topping?
Best PC moment?πŸ’•
hey!πŸ˜‡πŸ’• what does "klf" stands for?β˜ΊοΈπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’“
oh sorry I just saw the answer-remixπŸ€—
please explain how even these edits look so fabulous. like, how? Skill level: πŸ’―πŸ’―
What do you do when you are unable to sleep? Count sheep? Toss and turn? Get up and do something productive?
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
what are you most scared of?
What's one of your favorite movies?
Who's your favorite actor?
any pets at home?
I'm most scared of Planes or Spiders. My favorite movie series is Hunger Games or Maze Runner. My favorite actor is either Thomas Brodie Sangster, Josh Hutcherson, or Jennifer Lawrence not only because I'm fans of the, but also for their amazing talents. I have many gerbils, two rabbits, a cat, and a dog at home.
hey, I'm just asking for advice, how do i get noticed more?
@Histoire_de_Hannah, Meaning of life? To discover who you are and fulfill your dreams.
how is the best way to get featured
can people change people?
omg ur literally like goals but I reallllyyyy don't want this to offend u u might not even answer but my question is you love your followers so much but u don't don't follow them back, why?