//Last night I dreamed that some friends and I had a talisman that could repeat the day and only we'd remember so we murdered everyone basically// [but at the same I will care extensively about any and all of your problems bc you're all fab]


//Last night I dreamed that some friends and I had a talisman that could repeat the day and only we'd remember so we murdered everyone basically// [but at the same I will care extensively about any and all of your problems bc you're all fab]

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but before we went on a murdering spree my cousin pushed me off a roof and my heart was beating twice a normal, healthy speed
so I woke up because I fell off the roof of a three story house onto concrete
also Callie (@queenofallpurple) was there too for some reason???
this is me and since I read that I feel worried about myself😂
wait was I killing people or just texting you a whole bunch annoyingly