gillyweed is typing...

There really should be a poppy emoji🤔❤️
See remixes for info on the xmas countdown challenge🎄
I'm so, so sorry for the inactivity! I haven't been with it this week😑Back now though😊


gillyweed is typing... There really should be a poppy emoji🤔❤️ - See remixes for info on the xmas countdown challenge🎄 - I'm so, so sorry for the inactivity! I haven't been with it this week😑Back now though😊

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Omg fantastic beasts I'm so excited!! We're going to see it on my BFF's birthday on the opening in our cinema and everyone's turning up in HP themed clothes❤️#EmbarrasingFangirls😂
Awesome! And I'm happy with anything but I think you're doing a Harry Potter thing so do you want to continue with that?
I have no particular theme but I'd like to try Harry Potter if that's ok with you? PS love the icon❤️😂
So sorry I took so long to reply my battery died🙄😂❤️