.my bb-// guys leave me some messages there all anonymous and will prolly be posted on my sc story. https://tyahr.sarahah.com so get check out my Sarahah link in bio for you to click loves you😘kisses


.my bb-// guys leave me some messages there all anonymous and will prolly be posted on my sc story. https://tyahr.sarahah.com so get check out my Sarahah link in bio for you to click loves you😘kisses

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omigosh I love yur horse! this is rly good and u should definitely put it on yur sc story btw
awe horseyyyy! 🐴 your horse is gorgeous! i know it does seem like majority are going into highschool😁 wait, until grade 10?
definitely! and scream super loudly and keep your eyes open!😉can I ask, do you have Instagram?💕
so sorry to bother! can you please like my recent? 💗 if you don't want to, just ignore this 😊
thanks Tyah 💕
thank you so much!!!
yeah sure. do you want mine?
idk probably a few days 🤷‍♀️
no I don't have it. my account name is @g.r.a.c.e_s💕prepare to have a bunch of cringey posts😂
thanks tyah! I'm glad too :)
lol thx