Idea from Albus_Dumbledore, so for today I'll act like him and do your ideas for a week (depending on the number of comments) I have to go to school now, ILYSM Phoenixes x


Idea from Albus_Dumbledore, so for today I'll act like him and do your ideas for a week (depending on the number of comments) I have to go to school now, ILYSM Phoenixes x

12 0
Luna lovegood
btw why haven't you been answering my comments
do you wanna decide coz I have no idea
btw in the place that says "last weeks vote answer:" we can write down the name of the thing or person that won as there is no space to put the pic
Fred and George!!! 😋😋
merry x-mas!!
okay, then you could also save it to your gallery