Creds go to -PastelCat-


Creds go to -PastelCat-

31 9
u should enter my contest if u haven't already!
Aw thanks soooo much!!☺️💕💖❤️ I would love to be besties!!!! What's your fav song by Ariana?
That was random of me to say😂😂💕
I love Focus!!! She sounds so good!! I love the "1, 2, 3, come on girls" part☺️ My favorite is Daydreamin or Focus!
My day has been pretty good...except for school😅😂 How's your day?
I know same here😂😂 my life is pretty boring...I just do school and play on my phone and do sports. So you have any hobbies?
I got an iPod 5 for Christmas💖💦 That's so cool!! Do you paint or draw or...? I do drama too! I'm actually in a play right now! I only have 20 lines, but that's pretty good considering I have more lines than some people who are three years older than me!
sorry! just saw that you said you like to draw!!! Do you ever paint?
oh wow!!! you must be good then!!! Have you ever entered any competitions? (sorry I sound so nosy lol)