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You literally are complimenting yourself... Congrats.
Well, here I was looking for an intelligent individual who knows what she's talking about and loves Fnaf. Clearly, I am looking in the wrong place. This is post has been made by someone who's childish ignorance is blaring to the point of not recognizing a passive-aggressive, polite, irritated audience ready to stone her. My apologies, I wish you luck on whatever horrible grammar mistakes you attempt next, since, clearly, nothing goes on that's worth noting inside of your head.
i am not childish in real life
i am just making Jokes because all my life is like this: homework, 9 hours of school every five days, my sister is So mean and every day kids come to my class too question me about fnaf
i am like a slave
Sorry, but this is real life too. THERE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND THESE USERNAMES TOO. You can't just threaten people over the Internet (trust me, I've called a fair amount of cops on people before, IP addresses can be tracked). Joking doesn't have to be obscene and offensive, and all this is proving is that you're a slave to your everyday life even more. You can't use this as escapism like this. We have feelings and lives here, too! This IS real life + creativity, not new life + whatever we want. This is how people can get hurt. For everyone's sake, you need to calm down with the insulting. It's actually having a real effect on people. My suggestion would be to try to make some friends online! Online friends are pretty fun to be with, and are even sometimes more supportive than real friends (personal experience, there). If you don't want to be a slave then break free! Don't just fall into an equally as worthless path of faking and monotony!
you deserve an award