Day 26: Thanos


Day 26: Thanos

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I think Marvel is really building up the character though, because so far all he's done is sit in a Space Chair and threaten people. I think we'll be able to see his true power once Infinity War rolls around.
Also, Josh Brolin is great as Thanos.
I can't wait to see more of Thanos, we'll se if he's as good as they say in the comics! Also, I think Josh is a great choice!
Thanos is even powerful without the Infinity Gauntlet. Just imagine how powerful he'll be with it. Also, that means Infinity War is basically going to be Marvel Star Wars, with the Guardians probably going to be in it too.
With the Russo brothers directing (directed Winter Soldier and Civil War), I think Infinity War definitely going to be great VISUALLY. Because think about it, there are going to be Avengers in SPACE. It sounds so epic!
It does sound amazing, can't wait!