Dedicated to my fren Ed (TheEmoChild) who's being bullied right now!!! Get well fren!!!

Yay I found the old fonts and I put them here in this AMAZING collage!!! I rate it a 9/10!!! (BG by thenightskies)


Dedicated to my fren Ed (TheEmoChild) who's being bullied right now!!! Get well fren!!! Yay I found the old fonts and I put them here in this AMAZING collage!!! I rate it a 9/10!!! (BG by thenightskies)

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amazing. I think it is so sweet and thoughtful you dedicated it to your friend. πŸ’–β˜ΊοΈ
I love this collage!
aw thank you so much! this is amazing and I hope to one day be as amazing as you are
beautiful 🌻