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my winter break just started, I have a concert TOMORROW! I'm really excited, P.S.- I play tge Viola not a violin👍🏻
i meant to say the and i thought af means AS FUDGE😂
yay!!! I also play the viola!! our concert was Wednesday
oh😂no it means the other thing
I have to watch my mouth🙊 and that's actually REALLY COOL👏🏻 in my concert I only have 2 viola players😂 me and my bestie😂
😂oh wow. we have an entire orchesta, band and chorus. we have a big school
I also have a big school! I ALSO have band, orchestra and chorus💖 there are 17 violin players, 6 cellos, 8 bases and 2 viola players😂👏🏻
oh, sorry for the confusion ☺️. violas are better, we can play as high as a violin and as low as a cello. my orchestra teacher professionally plays the viola. that just shows how much better we are
MY ORCHESTRA TEACHER ALSO PLAYED THE VIOLA WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER💕 her name is Mrs.DeRose! (that's what everyone calls her)
oh, I asked PICEP to make me a Christmas Card, she did and she just sent it to the first collage
not that part😂 I was saying "umm..." because I didn't know what to say🙌🏻