So today ig at practice my sock slipped down and these girls just came up to me and pointed out my scars and just said some incredibly hurtful things and I'm actually pretty crushed to be honest. Idfk what to feel, kinda just here you know?


So today ig at practice my sock slipped down and these girls just came up to me and pointed out my scars and just said some incredibly hurtful things and I'm actually pretty crushed to be honest. Idfk what to feel, kinda just here you know?

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that's awful :// remember you're a beautiful human inside and out and those girls can suck my inexistent dîck 🌸!!
don't worry about them!! they're just some a**hòles who think they're better than everyone. you are amazing don't let them tell u otherwise
Imagine that they're socks and smell really really bad and s* ck