Blue Topaz for Peri senpai (sorry for the derpness. It was a quick drawing >_<;;)


Blue Topaz for Peri senpai (sorry for the derpness. It was a quick drawing >_<;;)

46 1
THANK YOU, SMOL BEAN! ^w^ *hugglez*
SO CUTE and I'm loooonley jk
Oh nuuuuuu *hugglez*
I just realized that I'm and inch shorter than Blue Topaz ._.
This represents me and 97% of my friends pretty well (Im always in Blue Topaz's place 😜
Tiger ish suh short :3
I'm the oldest outta my friends in school but I'm the shortest -_-
just wait until she sees RedBeryl, she's 6'4
Tiger Eye: Ugh... I'm so short >~< Me: But you're so adorable *picks up and throws in air* Tiger Eye: YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME PUKE!