This was the end


This was the end

25 0
that is sooo cool
I wish I was with you
I wish i could meet you
btw I'm not going to sleep bc I need to catch up with u guys
oh ok.
I'm just bored
do u want to remix
sorry I didn't respond it's bc I had to take care of my house and my pets
hey sorry I feel sleep
me too
oh ok. well lets remix
my car is stuck to my leg
I can't right now because I have to leave to go to my grandmas house
it's 2 hours away from here
ok bye
I'm not going right now
I have to pack and stuff
oh ok.
there's someone in my house and there going to be here for a hour
dude u live in Texas
that's awesome
ya I live in Texas. it's hot but everything is bigger in Texas
but ya I love living here. even tho it's top I got used to it
cool so do I
I usually do country themed stuffed soooo yea
btw I have 10 horses
wait did it rain last night where u were at 12 o'clock at night
no it did not rain
I just got to my grandmas house
oh ok. bye then
u know I can still text u right
wait what's ur number
I don't want to give it on here
I understand
When can u give it to me
and I promise I will not tell anyone