Not going out for Halloween cause that might get us and kill us I'm to young to die😤😤😤😤😭😭😭☠️☠️💀


Not going out for Halloween cause that might get us and kill us I'm to young to die😤😤😤😤😭😭😭☠️☠️💀

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not me...I'm only going to a small neighborhood that I love that's all
oh ******* your scaring me now I do my want to go out ether!!!😩😔
I know right they're evil
I know about that and so I am going with my friends and I am bringing a gun so let us see if they come at me
ugh their disturbing 😟😭😭😭😭😪😵
did u know that other people might dressed like them and so don't make a mistake.
you at school
I am now scared of clowns since they came to Hamilton
I don't care about the clowns to be honest!
it's true
that's all fake one tried to chase my brothers friend with a knife but then he punched the clown in the face
?.........scaredy cat
I don't like clowns but they messed with me it's over with them I don't care if it's two of them I will stab them
I am not playing