🍃Tap for a bio fam 🍃
•plant God wattup 
•call me daddy 
•yuki, 18 yo 
•plants are great 
•spiders and snakes are 👌🏻
•chat yo 
•gay yo 
•horror movies are Bae 
•single yo 
•trans yo


🍃Tap for a bio fam 🍃 •plant God wattup •call me daddy •yuki, 18 yo •plants are great •spiders and snakes are 👌🏻 •chat yo •gay yo •horror movies are Bae •single yo •trans yo

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thanx for following me 😘btw ur really cute😻
^and you're really thirsty
I'm not like that
I'm a girl
that was a compliment
hey welcome to pc! also would you mind me asking what pronouns you feel comfortable with?
he/him/they/them thanks for asking 💕🍃
there goals tbh ✨🍃
in my after life I wanna become a plant
no problem☺️
same same 🍃
plants shall rule the world soon XD 🍃✨✨
omg horror movies are life!!
haha yes yes they are smol bean yes they are 🍃✨
I just thought that you should know that you're boyfriend has a way with his mouth and you should take advantage of that.
he knows how to suck
no problem just thought you should know
hallo I am gay manicorn from le_emo_kidz