All my gosh that what Donald trump get for talking to much and hurting people Feelings that what he get hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!💯💯💯💯🤑😊


All my gosh that what Donald trump get for talking to much and hurting people Feelings that what he get hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!💯💯💯💯🤑😊

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thanks pretty girl
do you know someone that I could date 😭 I need someone
I no a guy named Cody on here u want his password
let me look for it k
I can't find him I know a another guy named Justin he is hot
hey his password is hey_is_justin
it didn't work
I need a boyfriend
lololololol my baby sis even laughed
yes it did it should have worked
ughhh donald is nasty
you know Donald trump parents marched in the KKK both of them did and I was like look what America has turned to
haaa that funny want to be friends can u follow me and sisters nesha
I hate Donald trump soooooo much I can't believe why anyone would vote for him
hey u no me Mylan