And hwappy mew year!


And hwappy mew year!

8 26
When do you want to go to Hawaii sweetie
way!! Dwaddy wets pwack mow. *hugs you and I have the biggest smile on my face ever*
Wait now sweetie but me and mom and the family were going on a vacation to*puts hands on my mouth*oops
bwut mesh wanted to gwo wif jwust woo
we will go to Hawaii how long do you want to go
Well me and mommy planned a whole family vacation to Disney world how does that sound!
mo. mesh wanna gwo wif jwust woo Betause Mwommy wikes sibwings more den mesh, swo I wanna gwo wif woo
Zoe, I will spend time with you and Disney but you need to learn to share the attention
mesh twie to!! bwut mesh cwant. *cwies a wittle* cwan mesh and woo PWEASE gwo to Hawaii?
Maybe after Christmas but you need to decide if your going on a family vacation with us or not
mesh mot, sowy
west pwack for Hawaii mow
Zoe, what did I just say
*hugs you*its fine it's just mommy loves you very much and we all want to spend time with you Zoe at Disney do you want to pack for that now
mo. onwy if mesh gwo wif just woo and mama
Sweetie I'm sorry I can't do that maybe we can do one after Christmas this is a whole family vacation
beside if you go you might get to ride first class*smiles*
jwust mesh and woo in first class?
we're gonna sit in a seat together in first class
Zoe were acually going to the Bahamas instead of Disney
Zoe are you mad at mommy
B-bwahamas? mesh wanted to swee Mickey...