this app hates my abs


this app hates my abs

15 0
pending —>
hi i’m olive ! looking for friends
hello i’m violet but you can call my vi ☺️
hello, i’m Khloè but feel free to call me whatever you’d like
how are you sweetheart
i’m almost 18 :))
what about u?
tysm ☺️. you’re very handsome
you’re welcome, how are you doing?
pretty good :) thank you for asking
yeah, what’re you up to?
aw, that’s so cute x and i just woke up and am getting ready to make myself breakfast
probably pancakes :) and maybe slices of toast
hm. but i’m for sure no gordon ramsey, so we’ll see how it turns out
eh, they’re decent. the toast hit the spot tho
aw, hehe it was actually x i woulda shared with you if i coulda
yeah :)) how has your day been babysitting your sister?
aw, poor thing. how old is she?
awww 😍 i bet she’s adorableee
oh my gosh, i’m so jellyyy
hehe, well gn matthew x and hopefully talk to you tmrw
Hi mister Mathew I’m Jillian
hello thereee :)) how has your day been?
aw :( same here
what’ve you been up to?
I’m doing well, wbu?
That’s good love x can you tell me abt yourself?
I see that -laughs softly- I love the pool as well:). Awwwww😍 babies are so cuuute
-smiles- Well I’m Jillian, 17 yrs, I have a three year old brother and a eleven year old sister, I’m a senior in hs, my favorite color is any shade of blue, and spicy food/Mexican food is the best
aw, i’d love to talk her off your hands if i could 🥺