call me chris 💜 or tina 💛
or call me baby, up to you


call me chris 💜 or tina 💛 or call me baby, up to you

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hi you’re gorgeous, I’m tori ntmy
helloo you’re pretty im Marisol call me Mari mar madman or sol
hey i’m ryan
you too , nothing much just laying on the couch ha
not much just chillin, and I love you name ah
and meant marmar not madman 😂
and thanks lovely
hi i’m lily :)
thank you :)
i’m alright, how are you?
awh good :))
what’s up?
fun, fun
i’m just laying in bed
i’m exhausted
you’re so right, i should
but i don’t really want to
i’m honestly about to fall asleep bUt i’m trying hard to keep my eyes open
this may sound weird buT i love sleeping during the day but hate sleeping at night
well ig if you wanna call me that 😂
i don’t know why i’ve sleepy though
i took like a three hour nap
hey I’m myah:)
how are you?
hey I’m Masyn: )
nice to meet you i’m john luke
hey I’m myah:)
chris hey