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BY THE FREAKING ANGEL!!!!!!!!! I'm FANGIRLING SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Gemina the second book in the ILLUMINAE saga! I can't wait!!! I loved illuminae and totally recommend it! It's written in such an original way and the story is so fantastic! My heart literally gave a leap when I saw Cristine from Polandbananasbooks had an Arc I literally was like I need to get one but it wasn't possible so I have to wait till November 😔 Anyway tell me if you've read Illuminae and if you're as excited as I am for Gemina and also if you want to see any Illuminae edits! Sorry if this was a massive rant about me Fangirling about Gemina
I've never heard of illuminae, but the way you talk about it makes it sound awesome, is it good, what's it about???