What lovely weather we're having


What lovely weather we're having

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it's been raining all week here in Florida
sun sun sunshine and heat in Michigan.
Had heat all week in Michigan and now tons of thunderstorms 😐
it's been like 55 in the morning here in Michigan and then almost 90 by the end of the day like MaKe Up YoUR MinD
oh joy...so glad I live in Illinois...
storms on and off like crazy until midnight
I am also in the Midwest and it had been like torrential downpours 😂
it's been like sweater weather in the morning then HEATSTROKE in the after noon HELP ME
I'm getting thunderstorms were I live to
I live in Alabama any you literally have about all 12 months of weather in about 48 hours lol it is terrible for my curly hair.
how do you get a GIF as ur profile picture!
ah yes someone can under stand my life
yeah I live in Illinois
me too!!
ah yes. the weather is so nice Tis'nt it.
I live in Iowa
me confused
we do it
up here in the Virginia
Illinois is a very strange place to live and you will only understand that when you live there ;)
but it's the end of September here and we had the biggest flash flood warning here XD the water was 1 1/2 feet tall on the highway and streets!!
one of the best parts of living in the Midwest :)