Attempt to post this before I give up, does anyone know why collages won’t post?
My new icons are inspired by the amazing @love_yourselfx3 and I forgot to caption the last post, so I’m trying to fix that now
QOTD: fav food?
AOTD: pizza


tap Final Attempt to post this before I give up, does anyone know why collages won’t post? My new icons are inspired by the amazing @love_yourselfx3 and I forgot to caption the last post, so I’m trying to fix that now QOTD: fav food? AOTD: pizza

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YES! it finally posted!!!!! I tried it so many different ways so many times, and it finally worked! that was 30 minutes well spent
this is so amazing!
that has happened to me before and honestly the best thing to do it screenshot your collage and take it to a new collage and make it the background