Gorgie I miss u. Please come off private. I'm worried. I love you. Please be ok


Gorgie I miss u. Please come off private. I'm worried. I love you. Please be ok

11 0
I'm high off 420
ya it is ur problems fly away
why. I want to
no it's not I feel my problems go when I do it
I worn get hurt I have people in my life that won't let me
kat i love you but i camt cime off
goood I guess 🙁
but it hurts to be called fake and i dont need it on both accsbim still here bby
ya some guy called me fake àss bîtch
sorry it wont let me comment or post
I'm leaving
yaaa I'm going to be on tour
and it's hard seeing u with ya so umm ya
sorry Angie left
and ikd
ok bbg
❤ u bby
baby ?
i feel bad ik ur not on but i woke up and u feel bad