This edit is really.. REALLY.. bad


This edit is really.. REALLY.. bad

11 0
hey soul, are you still with your girlfriend?
also, why did you say that you liked me a few months back? do you still? or no?
yes, I'm with my GF still.
and I like you ( as a friend)
oh waw henll
I'm sorry for saying those things on Instagram
my mom forced me too
and I felt unhappy all night
its ok
she wanted me to say to you to stop sending me that gay..... shît
not the gay shît
so if I send you anything the doesn't sound like me, it's my moms fault
so don't get upset, I'm forced to do this
lol my friend says he loves you
I love you.
I gtg.. mom needs to check my phone
i miss you hahah
XD hey