Alrighty so check comments for advice on how to figure out your gender/sexuality


Alrighty so check comments for advice on how to figure out your gender/sexuality

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I'm going to be honest, figuring out your sexuality and gender is difficult. It takes awhile to figure yourself out. I'm still figuring myself out, it's been 3 years. When you start questioning your sexuality because you see a cute girl, guy or non binary pal don't try to label yourself right away. See if you find yourself attracted to other people of that gender you found attractive. Honestly give it so much time when giving yourself a label. Find out you like girls and only girls? You're either straight or lesbian. You like guys and influence guys? You're either straight or gay. Like two different genders? Bi. Like most genders? Polysexual. Like all genders? Pansexual. Explore your sexuality. Kiss someone of a different gender if you're questioning yourself. Flirt a little with someone and if they flirt back figure out of you like it or not. In the end of you figure out you're straight that's totally okay. You're allowed to question and explore your sexuality. It's also okay for you to figure one day that you're not actually bi and you're pan. Sexuality is fluid. You're not always one thing forever.
Gender. Oh boy this is a tough one. I've been questioning my gender for quite some time now. Right now I'm trying to figure out if I'm trans ftm, gender fluid or agender. Explore what clothing you feel best in. Figure out which pronouns you prefer and have people use those. Gender is really how you feel in your head. I'm not sure how to explain it much more. Gender is also fluid so don't limit yourself to one thing
also feel free to ask me questions regarding gender/sexuality
so it feels weird to like girls and idk if I do or not and argh this sucks
also idk if I like boys anymore
and I'm nervous that I'll make a wrong decision and ruin my life
and I'm so scared
I have a question I'm fine with dating any gender but Idk if that means I'm pan or whatever Bc I'm not really attracted to anyone but like guys and maybe girls but I don't really know what's going on tbh
I don't find anybody attractive! Is their something wrong with me? I'm not even physically attracted to my bf, He's adorable, I love him, But he's the only person I can truly call cute, But I could only say that after I knew him, am I crazy?
Can I repost this xD