I'm so terrified for Highschool even though it's 2 years away I'm just terrified and I just wanna cry and want my friends to understand but they don't and why am I like this


I'm so terrified for Highschool even though it's 2 years away I'm just terrified and I just wanna cry and want my friends to understand but they don't and why am I like this

18 1
I've tried watching YouTube or Netflix but whatever I do my mind just goes back to Highschool Highschool Highschool. I have a really hard time making friends with public school kids (or really any people but public school kids more than anyone) AND JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
and the thought of having to adjust to public school in HIGHSCHOOL is so scary to me. I go to a Montessori school and that is so so so much more different than public school. and I'm scared the kids there will think I'm prissy and rich and mean but like I'm not and I just want to get along with everyone but unfortunately nobody seems to get along with me and if they do I can tell it's fake so I'm just really scared EVENTHOUGHHIGHSCHOOLDOESNTSTARTFORANOTHER2YEARS
(reply) lol that's really weird
Highschool isn't like what they say it is, sure the classes might get a bit harder and stuff. But the people are just normal people. It's not like what you see in movies where the mean girls and super popular and are gonna bully you or something. Mostly, everyone just ignores everyone else but no one(besides a few people) are legitimately mean to others. Also, you get way more freedom is highschool. Like I'm on my phone half the school day.
i feel the same way don't worry
i feel the same way and i'm going to high school next year dw m8