I love you


I love you

3 0
can you plz stop being mean to people,Ari is my bff,I don't come on PC to feel horrible about myself,whenever I go on PC I feel good,but reading your horrible comments if feel depressed after,you need help!!!!!
u need help
@true-love you're the one that needs help! you don't care about anyone's feelings except yours
I apologized
no. you said you're sorry. but are you really? no, you're not. you big liar.
I am actually sorry this time, I have never felt more ashamed in my life
you should feel ashamed
you just said you feel ashamed! you should feel ashamed because you've said mean things and have lied.
I know, I do feel bad
good. maybe this will teach you a lesson.
don't comment if u know that ur not going to forgive me
That is what I think