Uggggghhhhhh, I’m glad she’ll never get a feature


Uggggghhhhhh, I’m glad she’ll never get a feature

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you disgust me. this is soo unkind or unethical.
don’t hate on her
it doesn’t matter if you don’t like her collages because many of us do. creating a hatepage and announcing your hate is sorta unnecessary. I’m sure that you know right when you made this account, many people would come to argue and disagree with you. Are you using this to try to persuade us?
personally, I don’t enjoy seeing anybody hate on anyone or anything. I’m sure it’s the same for many pc users. Piccollage is a place for people to interact and share ideas. you don’t have to like them, but please respect everyone’s rights here.
though you say being bi is a sin, it has become part of her identity. i have been a Christian for a long time, and I know for a fact that God wants us to love everybody no matter the circumstances.
many people don’t agree, but could you please respect her and allow her to be who she wants rather to hate on her?
lying and being bi are both sins 😂 you may think they’re different, but to GOD it’s the same. all sin is just turning away from god and going your own way. you don’t have the right to judge her just Bc she happens to be “sinning differently”. I think we should all embrace her no matter who she is.
I don’t think it’s right, but you should definitely respect and love her. she deserves it because Jesus has already died for us. we don’t need to go through suffering anymore as long as we believe and trust in Him. being Christian embodies love and kindness to others, and hating isn’t in the Bible.
I have read the Bible multiple times and if there is a single verse or phrase that says we can hate rather than love, please let me know and I’ll check it out
also, please don’t think I’m trying to pick a fight with you. i would only like to share a few of my views/points.
my goal is to maybe get you to delete your account or at least the hate? you never know what someone’s going through and hwo hate can affect them. they could be going through a hard time with family or depression/anxiety and this could trigger something terrible such as suicide (maybe a lil extreme) or self harm.
I’m serious, you don’t have to like someone. but this public social media is not a place for you to express and rant about how much you hate someone.
I hope you read ^ :) please reconsider
you don’t have to think she’s talented 😂 no ones forcing you to like her. because of you, I discovered her account and I love it. she’s a super sweet person who makes stunning and original collages. I seriously love them. I’m sure many others do too
sorry ^ it isn’t about me. but I really don’t think you need a page to purposely hate on her. could you maybe delete your hate?
^^agreed completely
Yo, please unfollow me. GraceCat0727 is liT, more lit then you will ever be.
wuts the point of this account??
ur wasting time on trying to bring ppl down.. there's no point in that
nobody rly cares about ur hate for somebody so just .. delete this account??
already sent a lengthy email to PC 👌 leave now or deal with further consequences through me and PicCollage
look who's talking? a person with an awful, ugly and simple collage
Ok look, GraceCat is my friend and don't you dare feed things like this into me about her. it's not true so quit it. and the nerve to comment that on my page! just stop
oh and I normally try and stay away from drama but srsly girl u are doing nobody a favour
And there is NOTHING wrong with being Bi
you shouldn’t talk about yourself like that
everyone report this collage and all their comments x
wow, this is what i come back to. wth is wrong with you? its 'cause of ppl like you i don't bother coming online in this app anymore. you guys just want attention so you guys create hatepages, its fxcking annoying. grow t f up. jeez, even if you did make a hatepage ('cause you have no life ofc) why did you decide to comment on someone's page telling them to spread hate with you? i have no idea who this person you made a hatepage for is. but, all i know is that you are too immature and dumb for this app. leave. no one likes a hater. plus, shes bi, and apparently its a sin, but so is bullying. if you were really that religious and was all about jesus and stuff, then you'd be in the church rn, instead of hating on someone and calling them out for being themselves.
can't love then don't hate either, i'd understand your hate for her if she did something bad to you, but whatever points you said were dumb. they weren't something that did concern you in any sort of way, but i just hope you're mature enough to understand that ppl don't like the idea of your account. so maybe you might wanna delete it, theres no point for you to reply to me or to any of these ppl who were trying to stick for what is right. you dont have a point and a valid reason to hate her, atleast she tries to post something. unlike you, who sits behind a tiny screen and hates on ppl for being who they want to be. so just delete your acc, or apologize. hating is not an option. end of discussion.
yes she might be turning away from God but hate won't turn her to God but love will and your dinner to everyone is a sinner #stopthehate
sinner *
okay, I understand, but what did she do to you? I just need specific examples of her being mean/horrible.
Please stop this. It is hurtful. There is NOTHING wrong with being BI and also believe it or not, there are LOADS of adults who like fandoms and sort themselves into houses. Actually, on utube there are countless videos about famous “adults” who where sorted into houses. So ya. please stop this madness
excuse meee
what do you get from this? do you enjoy hurting her?
keep reporting this, try and contact pc if you can
i'm not good a pic collage and did you even make any good collages? she has good ones but i'm not supporting you it's just straight mean and that could lead to suicide, your legit wasting your time talking about her.
And even if it was its not your “problem”
sweetheart there’s no need to be an ašsh0le
you know what always makes me depressed and aggravated? it’s when people don’t believe in equality.
look if you have some problem going on in ur life that u need to talk about, I’m here for you. but first you need to change your attitude about this poor person, because hatepages hurt.
my biggest pet peeve is when people make hatepages so that they can get follows and likes...
hunny you’ll make a great judge 👩‍⚖️ in the future cuz your so judgemental about ppl
she has 519 followers u have 4 see the difference sweet heart *sarcasm*
I saw the comment you made on a featured collage. How is she a sinner for being bi? And don’t just say “it’s against the Bible”. I need scriptural reference. Also, just by you making a hate page for this wonderful person makes you a sinner
So stop.
^It is a sin, but so it hate... so...
ok so I’m gonna put you on my page saying DO NOT FOLLOW whatever your name is😊 Jesus don’t like hate and neither do I😀
she’s so rude
But the Bible says “LOVE ONE ANOTHER”
“love them like you love ME”
Jesus Quotes here
you deserve no followers
don’t hate on people
Simple collages can be beautiful. They are beautiful. So is Gracecat :)
you are such a bully ur probs jealous of gracecat and she probs would beat u in anything u challenged her to do and I dont even know her but from her collages I can tell she is a amazing person so NO HATE ❤️❤️❤️
THEY ARE SO SIMPLE OMG, totally agree
Jesus there’s no need to be so obsessed that u legit make a hatepage 4 her. Don’t u have better things to do? I would hope. If u would stop acting like an ašsh0le then I would gladly appreciate it. thx!😘
why hate? this world has enough of that without your stupid hate page. if you have such a big problem with her stay away from her and don’t talk to her, it’s pretty simple, how about you try it.👍 fr tho you don’t know her living situation. If your doing this to make yourself feel better just think about how your making others feel by saying all of these hurtful things. some people take things to heart, keep that in mind.