I feel sad because of this bleh


I feel sad because of this bleh

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it's not a bad thing at all! your only human! xx
Being gáe isn't a bad thing.
To add on... Everyone has a true love. You shouldn't keep someone from achieving that.
yeah it's doesn't mean anything bad if ur gay it's actually kind of cool because ur making a difference in life
yes I agree. people at my school insult each other by calling people gay. is that supposed to be a bad thing?
I agree with sporty_puppy. Just because you may be gày, it doesn't mean you're weird or messed-up. Also, just because one guys says another guy looks good doesn't mean they're gày! They probably were just announcing the fact that the other one looked well!
Yeah. I don't understand why that is. It really isn't right.😞
yeah! I agree with fangirl_quotes! My friends and I had a whole conversation on being gày and how it's not a bad thing. One of my friends is strongly homophòbic and says "it's wrong" when we ask her why.
I totally agree, I don't understand either
TRUE, I totally agree! See, this is why you are my idol! You always think of incredible things! Your collages are awesome too!
agreed this is not ok!
Being g@y isn't a bad thing, it's the decision t
you make to be happy
Aw😔I just realized that! That's wrong.😞
this is 100% true. tho I don't get why people are spelling gay : g@y or gáy like its 100% okay it not a curse word. jeesh(no offense)
I agree...why call someone something that you don't know if its true or not?
Basically yes it is idk why that's just how it is I guess😬😐😕
But it shouldn't be😬
I can't believe PC made gày a "curse" word😠😒
this is pretty true but so stupid like WE CAN COMPLIMENT ANYONE WE WANT
can we chat ¿?
It's not a bad thing and people shouldn't treat being gáy like it is. And boys should be allowed to complement each other without people assuming they are flirting with each other. (and I can't believe PC made it were you can't say the word gày!☹️😠)
That's a good point! I so agree with ___unicorn___ right here, I mean she said it all for me. I never really realized this until you pointed it out to us. But seriously, why does a boy accuse another boy of being gày? So they can't say to each other "you're smart" or anything like that?😣
gay mean lots of things
Gay means happy. And if their happy, well there is not much else to say.
PICPEEP, did you make this up?
Gay is fine. Who cares if you date or marry the same gender? I don't give a dang if anybody is gay. Gay is the same and should be treated the same. It's still love,so why is the universe so picky about it?
# gay rights
gay used to mean happy so instead of name calling we should get over it and be happy 😇
I agree completely. it's ridiculous and everyone should just get along