Collage by true-words


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hi xxx
how are u xx
I'm good thanks xxx how are you
horrible xxx
what's happened
I don't wanna talk bout
oh ok, I'm here if you ever need to xxxx
ok I wanna talk about it
ok xxx
my friends has everything that I want
what like, what has she got
like a boyfriend
oh ok. things like that takes time. when your older you will be glad that you didn't rush into anything. you will find someone xxx my boyfriend died so I'm now single and I'm jut going to wait for the right time and right guy xxx
lol true I've been waiting for a long time
same xxx
lol I wish something will give me a sign
there may be a sign, if you see the right person
ok and I'm sorry bout ur boyfriend
it's ok xxx his funeral is next week
oh when did he past away
yeah xxx
This is one of my favorite quotes! 😍
same xxx 😂
omg goals