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I am so excited! someone that has over two thousand followers gave me a shoutout
do u like this collage?
luv it
what an awesome collage
do u get what it means?
I think so
I have to stay home from school today. my eye is all puffy and it hurts a lot. I will miss u. can u tell jolynn 2 for me? u r the best
oh r u sick?
(I'm gonna have 2 suffer PE without u 😳)
feel better πŸ€’
how was PE? your face during warm ups I'm guessing: πŸ˜–πŸ˜«πŸ˜©πŸ˜΅πŸ˜­ that would b mine 2 ☺️
u know me so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we had to do some fitness tests today and walk ball and basketball 😱
r u gonna b at school today?
love this collage