Why not. Not even 1


Why not. Not even 1

10 0
poor you!! you would have got a bunch but the queen of notifications (me) was shopping today. I'm sorry
poor you!! you would have got a bunch but the queen of notifications (me) was shopping today. I'm sorry
poor you!! you would have got a bunch but the queen of notifications (me) was shopping today. I'm sorry
poor you!! you would have got a bunch but the queen of notifications (me) was shopping today. I'm sorry
I bet ur wondering why I did that 4 times. I am giving you notifications cause you didn't get any today!!
I am sorry for you😕😥
re// sorry it took me so long to reply to your question about where I an moving. I would rather not say which country but I am moving out of the United States. Sorry if you weren't looking for that answer..
it's ok
ok good
what's the name
how old r u?
just wondering
I'm 12
eh what do you mean? there's just a winner at the end