-so I maded myself wearing an old cryaotic mask I found under my bed (and other stuff too) so uh happy Halloween again! and maybe my new icon?? also who wants to be hug (or even kiss •3•) this  nerd? ignore this last sentence anyways


-so I maded myself wearing an old cryaotic mask I found under my bed (and other stuff too) so uh happy Halloween again! and maybe my new icon?? also who wants to be hug (or even kiss •3•) this nerd? ignore this last sentence anyways

49 7
30% chance of a hug. (Note: That's 30% more of a chance than 99% of people get. I'm not too touchy, and when my friends hug me I yell "UUUUUGH! NO! PHYSICAL CONTACT!!!" and make low hissing noises. So good job.)